“Disect the Sentence” Grammar Grades 5-8


Disect the Sentence is a 1-page intensive lesson in parsing, that is, the analysis of sentences. Find the main clause, parse under headings: subject, verb, direct object and indirect object.


Disect the Sentence

This worksheet is a 1-page grammar activity for Grades 5 to 8.  Disect the Sentence gives students practice in breaking a sentence into its parts.  Students will be able to write better as a result of improved understanding.


1 — Identify the main clause/s in ten numbered sentences. 
2 — Rule columns in the workbook and label each column as directed:
subject, verb, direct object and indirect object. 

3 — Break each main clause and write its parts.

Some Links:  “Adjectives–Changing Form” Grade 5-7“Phrases and Clauses” English Grade 6,  7,  “Adjectives to Adverbs” English Grade 5-8“Phrases and Present Participle” English Grade 5-6,  Teaching Grammar is Back, Post,  “Phrases” Literacy Grade 6,7

If this item and some of the linked items are too advanced, start with lesson packs on phrases. Then move upwards to clauses and sentence analysis.