Truancy Fines in The North, Post
Truancy Fines in The North Maningrida is in the news. The Maningrida Aboriginal community, 500km
Truancy Fines in The North Maningrida is in the news. The Maningrida Aboriginal community, 500km
Mobiles Off and Away Mobile phones are banned across schools in Australia as of now,
Science in Time-Short Classrooms Simple Ways Science in Time-Short Classrooms has some ideas that are
Grattan Institute Education Nonsense Dr Jordana Hunter has a PhD — but not in Education.
Autism and Schools Autism and Schools concern parents and teachers! How children with a Level
Vision Impaired Children – Lessons Our lesson packs may be very suitable for vision impaired
Results of PIRLS 2021 show student achievement in reading is holding steady.
Some Children Can’t Write Some Children Can’t Write but they can improve! Links: Upper Primary
Workforce Crisis One in five workers “lack adequate literacy skills” so said Greg Jericho from
Closing the Gap Aboriginal children in remote parts of Australia are well below the national
Teacher Shortage 2023 Teacher Shortage 2023 is a problem that has been brewing for many
NAPLAN Results 2022 NAPLAN Results 2022 confirm the trend: for ten years literacy results indicate
Enquiry Learning Lacks Research Emeritus Professor John Sweller of UNSW questions the continuing extension of
Teaching Grammar is Back Teaching Grammar is Back and word has got around! On 22
Developmental Language Disorder Developmental Language Disorder, or DLD, is the subject of two recent research
Clear Classroom Clutter Clear Classroom Clutter! Classroom clutter confuses especially weaker students. Now there’s a run
Dyslexia and Early Literacy Dyslexia and Early Literacy offers hints on how to improve the
Teaching Handwriting Teaching Handwriting can be straight-forward. It’s a matter of learning a few phrases
The positive effect of parents’ socio-economic standing (SES) is less than it used to be
Reading – 3 Levels of Text Reading – 3 Levels of Text of reading materials
Mark Student’s Work It is important to Mark Student’s Work. The sooner the better after
Enquiry Learning Needs Overhaul Enquiry Learning Needs Overhaul as it is not working well. Information needs
Using Flash Cards Using Flash Cards leads directly into the reading of simple texts. Links
Bees Knees Reading Method Teaching Early Reading – What next? Your young learner knows the letters
The 3-Point Principle is: Model the letter. Work on a couple of problem letters per
Readers can confuse because each publisher uses their own reading level codes. Levels vary between
You could find that Grade 3 material is being taught as if it is Grade
Are children as young as 5 really suffering maths anxiety and crying on their way
An enquiry task is often given to students with almost no introduction to the topic.
I agree with Professor John Hattie when he says that Enquiry sounds terrific and that
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