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Middle Primary School, Page

Middle Primary School

Middle Primary School — Skills

Products have a standard layout. The reading task is first. Writing tasks follow. This makes it easy for the children as well as the tutor/teacher.

Some links: “Salty, Sweet and Sour” for Grade 3“Snail Race”, Literacy Grade 2,3“Birthday Party” Literacy Grade 3 ,
“Jasper’s Bad Behaviour” Grade 4“Mushrooms and Moulds” Science Grade 4.

Items on grammar. The structure of texts is treated as well. Links:  “Adjectives” Literacy Grade 3, 4, “Compound Words” Literacy Grade 2, 3 

Middle Primary School — Content

Transport, the combustion engine, fibres,
animals, castles,
bacteria and tools are among the topics.
In some cases, geography and history
are part of the study.

Links to sample items: “Car Power” Technology Grade 3-4, “Dingo” Literacy Grade 4

Maths Packs for Middle Primary School

Maths packs are included. Many well-written maths texts are on the market. Maths sheets on this site are to help out. Download and print out  if a maths text is not to hand.

Links:“Maths Muscles” Grade 3 Maths Pack“Merlin Maths for Grade 4”

Instant Access: Order material for Grades 2 And 3 and Grade 4 & 5

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