“Mega-Muscles” Science Literacy Grade 6


Mega-Muscles is a 4-page lesson pack for upper primary school. Text in this worksheet set about: Pecs, long muscles of the thigh, quadriceps and calf muscles. Two drawings, review questions, research and report writing.



Mega-Muscles is a 4-page lesson package for Grade 6.  This worksheet set includes:Text that discusses four main muscle groups. This is a 3-page account in 16pt. It is a tough topic but written in simple language for this age group.

Review and writing tasks follow.

>two diagrams,
>review questions,
>write a short report after research,

A Self-contained lesson pack and easy to teach from. Suitable for any teaching and learning situation.  Proudly created by a Human!

Some Links to similar lesson packs for these year levels:   “Human Heart” Science Literacy Grade 6,7,  “Platypus Science” Grade 6,7“Bertie and the Crocodile” Grades 5-6,  “Black Death” Science Grades 6-8,  “Malaria in Sri Lanka” Science Grades 5-8,  “Mammalia” Science Grade 5-7“Invertebrates” Science Grade 5, 6“Training for Sports Day” Literacy Grade 5-6

A helpful and interesting Link on nutrition and fitness: