Worksheet Bundle J for Grade 3


Worksheet Bundle J for Grade 3 is a set of 6 literacy lesson packs.  Reading and writing tasks in logical order. Self-contained and easy to use. Variety of topics: holidays, science studies with plants and the human tongue. Technology in Useful Tools.


Worksheet Bundle J for Grade 3

This Worksheet Bundle is a set of 6 literacy lesson packs.

Each one starts with a text for the student to read.
Writing and other tasks follow.
Most have a target spelling or grammar focus. 
They are self-contained and easy to use. Download, print and teach.
Ideal for teachers. Small group tutoring or one to one will find these lesson packs guide and direct the lesson. Parents and non-teachers can use them with confidence.

These items are available individually but there’s double value in the Bundle.  

Proudly created by a Human.

In this Bundle:

>Birthday Party, Grade 3
>Camping Trip, Grade 2-3
>Flowering Plants, Grade 3
>Market Mayhem, Grade 3
>Salty, Sweet and Sour, Grade 3
>Useful Tools, Grade 3

The focus in Birthday Party is on words starting with  tw  such as twinkle and Flowering Plants is about the structure of plants. It introduces sub-headings. 

Market Mayhem has a focus on  words ending in  -et  such as  pocket and market.  Salty, Sweet and Sour is about the tongue and its functions.  

Useful Tools is an early introduction to simple tools such as the lever and the wheel.

Some links:   How to Teach Hand-Printing, Post,  Bees Knees Reading Method, Post,  Teaching Grade 3 Literacy, Post“Swinging High” Literacy Grade 3,  Science in Time-Short Classrooms, Post