Worksheet Bundle M for Grade 3-4


Worksheet Bundle M for Grade 3-4 is a set of 5 literacy lesson packs. Each starts with a reading activity with common words and target spelling. A range of writing activities follow.


Worksheet Bundle M for Grade 3-4

Worksheet Bundle M for Grade 3-4 has 5 lesson packs. Each one starts with a text to read.  Writing activities follow. Experiments, drawing, True/False questions and discussion may be included. Review questions on story content, spelling patterns and grammar.

Included in Bundle M:

>Car Power, Grade 3-4
>Our Dog, Maffy, Grade 3-4
>Pippa’s School Project, Grade 3-4
>Quiet Quail, Grade 3-4
>Road Trip, Grade 3-4

~The focus in Road Trip is compound words, eg. airport. Plus a creative writing activity.
~Car Power is a basic introduction to the combustion engine for this age group.
~Pippa’s School Project is a fictional story with lots of information about an Australian native animal, the quoll. It includes a mapwork: place the main Australian cities on the map provided.  ~Quiet Quail is a story about a bird’s escape. Focus in this one is on  -ai-  words as in quail.
~Our Dog, Maffy starts with a story about children playing near a creek. Creative writing and research on a working dog.

Easy to use and self-contained, simply download, print and teach. Suits any teaching and learning situation. Large print, drawings to colour,  serious learning but fun activities. Proudly created by a Human.

Some links:  Middle Primary School, Page“What’s On This Website” PageReading – 3 Levels of Text, Post,   Mark Student’s Work, Post,  Homework – Relevant and Short, PostWorksheet Bundle D, Grades 3-4